The drug is a large producer of men weak and immature machine. Younger starts a kid in consumption more risk is in get caught. The harmful effects of porro, for example, are more serious of which many young people think. In any case depend on the quantity that smoke, frequency and the circumstances in which consumption occurs. The consequences will be more serious is if mixed with alcohol. The physical effects of the joint are bronchitis, emphysema, tachycardia, dryness of the mouth and throat and redness of the eyes, as well as infections, sterility and predisposition to the accumulation of this drug in the brain, kidney and testicles. The psychic effects through a feeling of euphoria and bravery, but decreasing the concentration and reflexes, similar to the State of drunkenness.
If there has been a serious poisoning appear then hallucinations and agonizing feeling of persecution, and can unleash consumer violent actions. The addict can transform into a person apathetic, desmotivada studies, friends or work. It is converted into a solitary, emotionless. The kids are initiated into drug use by curiosity or the pressure of the group to which they relate, although the having tried sporadically the thugs does not make a person drug addict, but a continuous consumption is a symptom of dependency. There are certain symptoms that reveal to us that a young man can be consuming this drug: a preference for sweets, reddened eyes, impaired memory, drowsiness, mood changes, abandonment of sporting activities or hobbies, augmentation costs, dry cough, headaches, etc. It must be taken into account that drug use starts by the legal, normally within the family context alcohol, drugs, tobacco-, which ends up becoming an assimilated lifestyle. Why parents should educate their children in a healthy lifestyle and avoiding the authoritarianism, tackling the subject of drugs without fear, talking with children and telling in this regard in any Center for drug addicts. And although there is much that can be done should not be alarmed or falling into fatalism, since, unfortunately, no family is immune to drugs.