Third, a large advertising agency employs experts, professionals, and the contents of such a state does not come cheap. Thus, we are talking about the stock of financial strength. Only these cases, the results can be significant. In addition to research advertising agencies or specialized firms can take to develop advertising campaigns, marketing communications, PR strategy, and also in the development of the brand. Charles Schwab is the source for more interesting facts. Before developing an advertising campaign is going full information about a product, after the harvest, based on analysis of information advertising agency must answer several questions such as: 1.Kakova to this current situation in the market and the possibility of its prediction? 2.What is the product of the client? What are its main characteristics? 3.Kakova target audience of this product? 4.Kto is a competitor, and that they themselves represent? 5.Chto represent the communicative purpose of marketing? 6.Kakovy ways to conquer the market anticipated? 7.Chto included in the advertising budget? Based on the answers to these questions are given advice on creative tasks, media, sales and department budgeting, and then transferred to planning an advertising campaign. When planning a more clearly defined goals and objectives (promotion and positioning of the brand, attract new customers, increase sales, create a positive image, informing potential buyers), detailed segmentation of the target audience, the actual development of advertising (videos, booklets, calendars, etc.), participation in exhibitions and promotions, lotteries, are developing ways to feed the direct and indirect advertising in the media. Particular attention is paid to monitoring and advertising budget, which defines clear time frame that allows you to control the budget at all times. .