Our pointers had pointed that the South region, after that of the Southeastern region they are the places that more have access the program. This phenomenon can be explained by the historical and geographic characteristics of these regions, where properties predominate small average (opposing of what it occurs, for example, in the Northeast region, marked historically for the great large state). Another extenuating circumstance these regions to be the ones that more use resources of the Pronaf is that they are regions that are next to great urban centers, beyond having as characteristic social/politics the organization of the groups (valley to remember that the majority of the movements that fight even though for the agrarian reform or reinforcement of familiar agriculture is of Southeastern the South region/). Although the PRONAF has been a flag in the campaign politics of the government squid, the financial resources of the Pronaf irrisrios when are compared with the sum of investment that receives agriculture said enterprise; the Pronaf is not nor of far one of the priorities of the government, even so either considered for specialists the main pbica politics of foments to the agriculture of the country. We understand despite inside of what it is considered the three great cycles for creation of one politics developed for Lasswell (formularization, implementation execution, evaluation/monitoramento), we notice that in the implementation of the PRONAF it has a series of problems, a time that reached one very small contingent of familiar agriculturists, beyond being intent in the regions South and Southeastern. .