The word 'psychologist' in our time is what is magical and very close to the divine. In many people's understanding of 'psychologist' – a man who sees through human problems can solve any difficulty in about 15 minutes, maximum 30, kind, understanding and knows everything. And yet he is perfect and almost perfect. In general, the looming image of God. Whilst it is believed only the participants of trainings, all solved. But when it begins to believe himself the coach (Teacher, counselor, therapist), the situation becomes critical.
What is the image of God may be manifested by a psychologist: I must help everyone who comes to me. If I did not help, I'm not an expert can not have different manifestations of participants, I'm professionals must be very different and able to do everything … or almost everything in the profession have to be perfect, I can just relax at home, outside rabotyI so on dangers of this approach to his profession, and Can become a missionary zealot who chases after irresponsible people and causes them good for their own blagMozhno zabronzovet and become a statue of the name itself sebyMozhno break off on a couple of clients and decide what time I will not omnipotent, then there is nothing I do in the profession and uytiMozhno deny himself almost all of the personal appearance and become frustrated in the box with knowledge on thin nozhkahSpisok scare can go And as you can on another? You can! You can actually watch for themselves and their capabilities, without pretending to be a great magician GendalfMozhno admit that something you do not know and probably never will be able to and that is not scary and it is possible to live and rabotatMozhno recognize the right of people not to carry out your recommendations and make them what they zahotyatMozhno be myself in real life and in professional work, without separating the two parts of the fun in that? "You do not burn emotionally and deformiruetes professionalnoVy can qualitatively to help those who can and will not be wasting time on those you can not help smozheteVy can quickly grow in the profession – in the directions who are your strengths 5 practical recommendations on how to remove yourself from the halo and become a living one.