Government Commission

It is not enough to put women from abroad, where the society on the subject of women is much further, to the Supervisory Board. Good corporate governance and social change in their own country can only be achieved when firms are developing also the women from the companies themselves in leadership positions. We must therefore all work together and nobody needs to be pioneers. The policy does not, the economy not and also the women themselves do not? Must not start? Weber-Rey: All three should sit together. We discuss the politics, economy and society for years now. We conclude: there is no better. What do we do now? We have the Kitaplatzgarantie.

How far is that? And should we not better da stick money than for example in the childcare allowance? But, it is the policy, which drives the conventional course, creating childcare allowance, and day-care centers. That means she not decides yes for a worldview, but leaves, classic to act or to make a career, but with too few Kitaplatzen as a backup. There was just no guideline, which sets policy and makes a career for women so hard. Weber-Rey: But this I call Yes: catalogue of measures, guidelines of all together. Then the economy can be taken with any coercive measures may also. You can clearly documenting code and the women-career index and keep track of when the company the success by the German corporate governance. This is a voluntary commitment of the economy, which has not really brought something at the end.

You have to really drive the economy and transparency make pressure. This is the approach of the Government Commission. Independent action under peer pressure. Sufficient transparency as a means of pressure, you mean? Weber-Rey: Oh, Yes. Therefore that all European countries behind it are all much faster moving than us, Germany is automatically under great pressure.