Landscape Design Dachas

Following the development of landscape design of your site, he turns into a beautiful garden. And all this is done by changing the topography, planting of ornamental plants and the construction of buildings meant postroek.Pod construction arbors, bridges, benches and so on. That's all – small sizes of architecture. They decorate your site, emphasize the sophisticated style of the owner. For some buildings, for example, in the form of fountains and walkways, we can determine the taste master's garden.

Fence helps you to isolate themselves from others, gazebos, overgrown with vines, is a great place for solitude. The fountain helps cool off, and a barbecue – a good reason to invite friends and have a great time. On the site can be set and lights, then the garden will be a walk at night. You can make a pond, surrounded by his boulders. Then it will look natural, and you can sunbathe on the rocks in a sunny flower beds denek.Za should take care of the entire holiday season.

In addition, they can take the form, then they will look much original. For design of flower beds, you can use unnecessary household items. For example, from watering cans or carts get a beautiful flower garden. It can make even an old shoe. Make a "rustic" garden is also quite simple. To do this, figures of animals – horses in a meadow, a cat on the porch and ducks near the pond, or even directly in it. Jugs and vases give the site an unusual flavor. They can be planted orange trees, geraniums, fuchsias. You can also use smaller pots for planting in these aromatic plants. If you like chess or Checkers, you can put on a small area light and dark tiles, like the chessboard. Nearby put benches or chairs for the observers. A figure order master, who is engaged in dressing of items made of wood – cabinetry. Outdoor furniture should be chosen properly. It must be combined with your surrounding landscape. For example, the light beautifully elegant furniture in harmony with the surrounding flower bed, made in a gentle style. A Massive furniture must be placed next to a tree, for example, with the oak. A good defender against the wind for your home – climbing plants, growing dense hedge. Behind the back of a man who will have a rest sitting on the bench or something else, must necessarily be protected from the wind – a fence, wall climbing plants or a wide tree trunk.