Storage Technology

Typically, when accepting the goods are continuous check of their quality and completeness. Spot check the spread of the results of quality control of any part of the goods for the entire game is allowed in cases provided for standards, specifications or contract. In general, the procedure inspection of goods quality similar to that described above for the acceptance number. Compiled based on the acceptance of goods acts are documents that confirm the failure by the supplier (sender, producer) contract terms. Therefore, they serve as the basis for the claims against him. Claim – demand the buyer to the supplier (manufacturer) for damages, elimination of defects of goods delivered and the like. The claim must be signed by the manager or his deputy. She is sent by registered mail or mail with return receipt requested.

Terms directions recipient claims goods, as well as the order and timing of review and response to it are established supplier of contract. In the case of full or partial denial of the claim, the claimant may bring suit in the Court of Arbitration. He presented in the form of a statement of claim. The statement of claim – the requirement to the competent authority on the protection of violated rights organization. Storage Technology products in stock products made in quantity and quality of the area Acceptance comes to the storage area. To move the goods for storage is required: resolve the question of how many of the goods placed in the active storage area and what – in reserve; identify necessary to accommodate Product sizes of active and reserve storage space distribute products for labeling; determine the storage location of the goods; move the goods to be occupied by a warehouse location.