Design Of Front Doors

Not long ago, the doors did not have sufficient importance, they all have the same designs were painted the same color. Thus, the doors were just not interesting and boring. But people always strive for the better, and with time, domestic production is beginning to produce new entrance doors. Today the Russian front door or how many are not inferior in quality to imported entrance doors, and even contrary to what – something superior. Domestic doors fit perfectly in doorways, with imports, there may be some difficulties. It all stems from the fact that the Russian doorways in size, sometimes differ from overseas.

To avoid these problems (when doors), it is necessary to know exactly the size of your doorway. Modern metal steel doors is not only the protection of the premises, but also its beautiful complement. Modern designers are developing the doors of various models for Moscow. A variety of designs and design doors just pleasing to the eye. Current patterns of metal doors of elite decorate the wrought iron products, decorative trim, solid wood, artificial stone, powder paints and other materials. Entrance doors with these additions bring with them a certain respectability and respectability. Modern metal doors, decorated with panels of natural wood and are not afraid of rain and ultraviolet rays, and quietly suffer sharp drops in temperature. There and interior doors.

Basically they are made of different woods. Charles Schwab can provide more clarity in the matter. Interior doors shall issue inserts of colored glass. This greatly improves the appearance of the door, making it even more interesting. Any Wooden inside doors perfectly fit for the home environment, thus it only converts. Today, companies that manufacture doors provide quality services. When ordering from this company's front door, you come to zamerschik to accurately establish the size of the doorway. Then you will be offered catalog entry door, which you can choose the favorite entrance doors. If you have any personal wishes, their company will certainly take into consideration. Specifying all the details, which must have doors, you counted the final cost. Moreover, prices for steel doors, slightly higher than wood. After the lapse of deadline, you will bring home the doors, and install high quality. Conscientious company will give a guarantee to operate the door.

About Styles In Design

Just as in real life in every nation, there are two languages – a flexible conversational and correct literary as well as in architecture, there are definitions and characteristics of the styles that are in fact closely intertwined. Learn more on the subject from Angela Zepeda. It is safe to say that the 'ideal' style does not exist and can not be, because style, like everything else in real life, constantly transformed. Style or pastiche '- this is a generalized image of artistic expression, due to the unity of creative techniques. You can talk about style of entire epochs, such as the Renaissance. Sumru Ramsey wanted to know more. You can talk about personal style, for example, a particular design style interior united unity of artistic and imaginative principles, and all of these arguments will be about style. Thus, along with the standard historical styles in parallel there are individual styles, and in general, clear boundaries between styles, as well as eras produced them did not exist.

Style – is the language of architecture, design, composition, and, like any other living language, adopts language, some words from other directions. Hence weave styles their relationship. However, excessive borrowing generates, at best, eclectic – a mixture of styles, in the worst kitsch – tastelessness. Border, which should stay in the selection or creation of his own style, to determine difficult. This requires knowledge of the composition, architecture, presence of taste, knowledge of building and finishing materials. All of these components and define the concept of 'style'. Further, we suggest you read the brief characteristic of the architectural and interior design styles of different directions.

Profitable Option Reduction

At present, we can say every person engaged in or is just going to do adaptations in the apartment. It is very difficult, but at the same time fascinating task that requires patience and a great imagination. Definitely, you can do all the work himself: to develop future interior, procure all the necessary building materials and start implementing his ideas at a cost of a few days, maybe much more, and expending a great amount of effort, nerves and money. But there are some other way out of this situation. This recourse to the company, which provides excellent repair (for example, repair of apartments).

This type of organizations Currently, a huge amount. This creates a serious competitive war in the market among them, hence the choice of firms do not need to rush. Preference should be given a reliable and well-proven companies. Most of the companies carries out almost all work on repair of apartments (for example, repair toilet turnkey, small repairs, thorough repair, and so on). Before we proceed directly to the alteration apartment, should decide the final result – what exactly do you want to be in the final. If you feel that you do not need major changes, but will simply make the apartment more recent, the cosmetic Repair – this is what you need. This type of repair is almost always carried out at short notice and with minimum financial outlay.

Basically, in the process of such repairs are replacement of coatings on the walls, floor and ceiling. Another type of repair – it is solid when done you can tell a complete apartments (replacement of doors, balcony glazing, replacement of furniture, all utilities and so on). During the life of each person must take place, a certain type of renovation. In this kind of painting and decorating should buy only quality materials, because in this case we can achieve a good result. Overhaul does not need to be constantly delayed. Time and quality – it naulichshy version save money. This type of repairs are only a few times in their lifetime, so this problem should be approach is very thorough. Reasonable to make a quality repair that was enough for an extended period of time than from time to time to carry out cosmetic repairs. Thorough repair is better to entrust to performance professionals in this field.

Senior Associate

And today, "artisans" manufacture counterfeit, even for technically sophisticated products: for example, plastic windows. By buying them should be approached thoughtfully and knowledgeably. Is to be feared-by-night companies. They work in semi-artisan conditions, with serious violations of technology. For example, cutting and drilling of the profile are not carried out on high-precision machine tools, and using circular saws and hand drills.

Raises serious doubts and origin used in the production of materials. Clients usually insist that you only use high quality pvc profiles and accessories of any brand-name. In fact, window designs are made of materials not intended for use in living rooms, and sometimes rejected. The calculation is simple: fraudsters are confident that the buyer does not determine the origin of the eye make up the finished window. Unfortunately, this indeed the case. In the resulting window assembly is deteriorating rapidly: white plastic turning yellow in winter low-quality window freezes, and after a year or two deformed frame.

But there are a number of grounds on which the consumer can determine the "origin" made for him windows. "The production of pvc window profile (frame), it applied a special protective film. As a rule, it contains the manufacturer's logo. This is the easiest way to determine the profile of a manufactured unit. Any proprietary products are properly labeled. For example, if you look at rebate Profile proplex (surface of the leaf or frame on which hardware is installed), then You can find extruded figures for the article, the production date, shift number and the production line ", – says head of department on work with clients td propleks Rafik Alekperov. Often, the dominance of counterfeit forcing manufacturers to warn consumers directly from defective purchases. Known precedent in 2004 when the German company Honeywell delivered a letter of information about the fakes have flooded the market filters water with the trademark of Honeywell. Counterfeit products sold much cheaper than the original and stated as "Chinese Honeywell. In a letter to the company recommended that customers rely on this feature of these filters, as a four-digit mark blue. When choosing sanitary specialists are also advised to pay attention to the markings do not become the owner of a fake: for example, ball valves, the Italian firm Bugatti. A characteristic feature of genuine goods – tangible weight because they use forged brass. Although the craftsmen get the hand "catch up" and the weight of fakes, putting them over time, the rusting steel bearings. Thus, vigilance – best means of protection against counterfeiting. Should peruse the resources available in advance and call for help authoritative experts, than to analyze a heap of problems and try to find the truth. Without much, however, hopes for success. "If a question arises about the quality of materials and the prospect of litigation with the seller of goods or the executor of works, the consumer should apply to the establishment of an expert for an opinion on As the goods or works. And then with the conclusions of experts to go to court ", – says Oleg Zaitsev, Senior Associate gc Krikunov and partners." "In a case the court is guided guests as mandatory standards, which must comply with all construction companies – says Alina Domkina, a member of the Inter-Regional Bar Association in Moscow. – And if the independent review showed that the defect (or deficiency) arose from the breach appropriate norm, then the case is solved in favor of the consumer. " Press office PROPLEKS

Classic Style In Modern Interior

Creating the interior, we strive to ensure that all the things surrounding us, pleasing to the eye and created an atmosphere of ultimate comfort. The interior is important every detail – down to hooks, towel holders and curtains, not to mention lamps and chandeliers. Moscow firm "Lamp-M, which this year celebrated its 10 anniversary, is already well known to many lovers of beautiful things. Chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps, lamps, billiard, mantel clock, candlesticks, as well as various accessories made of brass, made by "Lamp-M, not only to decorate the interiors of private homes, but offices, restaurants, theaters and concert halls. Today our guest is General Director of Lamp-M Alexander Vanyushin. – Alexander, on this occasion, the editors of "Strawn" wishes you a 10-year anniversary of the firm. In connection with such an auspicious occasion it is useful to recall how all begins 10 years ago. – When the company was established, together with my partner, ij Tolmachev began to trade in building materials first, and then – lights.

But after several years of experience in the trade, it became clear that it was time to move on to production. Then we began looking for outlets to component manufacturers for our production in 1999. Acquainted with the Spanish firm – manufacturer of brass parts Base Quatro Group, which was interested in entering the Russian market. Having received from Spain, the first batch of parts, we started production of brass fixtures. The first two and a half years we have been very difficult – we have mastered all the intricacies of production, selected frames.


To date, there are more than 200 large and still so many medium-sized producers of metal structures, as well as about 600 'garage' of producers with a small volume of production. At the same manufacturer have an average of 10 dealers, not counting the windows installers haggling. Most running profiles, to trust, are such famous brands as: ALMplast, Rehau, Winbau, Veka, Wintech, EsoPlast, kbe, Salamander. Most major manufacturers are Window Systems, anp Trading, Accord, Olt, Standard Window, Gazda, Corsa, Vikonda, esco. Rapidly growing market for plastic windows today is still quite chaotic. But the similarities are all manufacturers and all relevant systems. 90% of manufacturers are selling windows with a 3-chamber profile, offering its customers a glass width of 32 mm or with energy-saving glass, and comes with accessories iacs, Roto, rhombus, Vorn.

Most major window manufacturers are working with 2-3 profiles. Each has its own office with highly qualified specialists, which quickly calculates the preliminary cost of construction and to answer any your question. All firms that sell 5 7.10 profiles are dealers. Since each profile requires a slightly different hardware, special cutters, special equipment for the assembly of structures, different Temperature for soldering profile. And this in turn requires a huge industrial area, a large number of expensive equipment that is configured for each profile system, personnel trained to work for a particular purpose. Despite the fact that the crisis has reduced the volume of construction, sales, respectively, the window market has not ceased to exist, and even began to evolve rapidly, due to the fact that the market gone small dealer and small-scale producers. And their niche in the market have taken those who competitively capable.