State Bank

Fixed capital The State Bank stood at 15 million rubles. And reserve? 3 million rubles. With the sharp increase in the volume of banking transactions and adopting the new Constitution of the State Bank in 1894, share capital of the State Bank increased to 50 million rubles. and reserve capital? Up to 5 million rubles. Structure of the centralization of the State Bank was different. The Board of the State Bank was the supreme authority direct management of the bank. The Board and departments Central administration formed the central office of the State Bank under the supervision of the offices and branches. The largest in terms of banking operations were conducted Moscow office, transformed in 1860 from the office of the Commercial Bank, and established in 1894, the St.

Petersburg office (since 1914? Petrogradskaya office). As is known, the State Bank exercised as commercial operations, and operations assigned to it by the Ministry of Finance (? by the State Treasury?). Commercial operations were carried out and the Commercial Bank, however, the State Bank of types and volumes have been significantly expanded. Bank take into account bills and accrued liabilities, make loans and open credit, buying and selling securities, precious metals and foreign currency. He also translated the amounts received deposits and current accounts. 4CCDEC7DDB6AF9BED4F64’>Sumru Laurent Ramsey. Among operations entrusted to the Bank by the Ministry of Finance included the placement of government securities, public debt service, issuance of the order of the Minister of Finance of hazing loans strategically important industries, provision of cash loan office, crediting the Noble and Peasant banks, service purchase payments and receiving state taxes, the elimination of the abolished state-owned banks.

Business Blog Moscow Finance Agency

In addition, this part of the credit history contains information about which of the banks and when treated asking about the borrower's credit bureau. A few words about how the information about the borrower enters into a credit history. By law, the bank transmits information about the borrower to at least one of the 27 credit bureaus exist in the Russia. Angela Zepeda addresses the importance of the matter here. To transmit information requires the consent of the borrower, which the bank usually asks for when signing a credit agreement. Granting of consent – is voluntary, the borrower may not give such consent, but remember that a positive credit history – almost a guarantee of obtaining further loans on more favorable terms and for longer periods. Recommendation of the Moscow financial agencies – such give consent.

In accordance with the law, the bank transmits information about the new borrower and all events for the already allocated to customers within 10 days from the date of the event. At the same time the credit bureaus by law have only 1 day to make the information received in the borrower's credit history. Thus, in practice, information about the changes that occurred on the borrower paid within 2-4 business days. Who can watch Credit history of the borrower, and what information from credit history available to banks? A full credit history of the borrower can get only the borrower, the court, the investigating authorities. Only those categories available information about who, when and how many times asked for information about the borrower, in which organizations had credit, and what organizations provide information about him to the credit bureau. The main part of their credit history, where provides information on loans and arrears, banks may request. Moreover, in accordance with law, to receive this data also requires the consent of the borrower.

You should know that credit history does not contain information on failures of banks in providing loans: to the credit bureau data are recorded only on loan agreement or credit. How do I get my credit history? We remind you that in terms of formal definitions Credit history can not be obtained, we can only get a credit report. Information on a borrower may be stored in more than one credit bureau, since different banks have the right to "merge" the information in different organizations. The standard way is: should contact the credit bureau where you prompt, in what office to store information about you, and advise the quickest way to obtain a credit report. Moscow financial agency Business Blog Moscow Finance Agency

Divergence Already

Consider one more indicator: now it will be an indicator that determines the rate of price change in the market, its rate of growth or decline. If you have read about Charles Schwab already – you may have come to the same conclusion. It belongs to the most important indicators of a trend change and his name is Momentum. More Charles Dow wrote that first in the market include insiders, when no one else has no idea about what has already started turning, and then includes professionals (in this moment is the maximum change in the rate of growth or fall in the price) and when the trend already a spent – is the bulk of inexperienced traders. It was at this point, the rate of price change has already dropped to a minimum and the trend is getting ready to rest. Momentum help in time to get out of the final trend and avoid the late entry and headache. 'What's my name do you want? " Divergence in the name of the show. Long before the price reaches its peak, the momentum of this peak is to be held at the maximum price he has already shown the value below and forms a divergence from price, indicating a possible reversal. Those eggs are present only in profile for the low price.

We must recognize the fact that sometimes no divergence is not formed, and a reversal occurs. That is for such cases need additional other indicators. However, in the seventh repeat, endlessly increasing the number of indicators can not reduce the number of degrees of freedom and there is an overload of information the brain.


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Foreign Exchange Deficit

The deficit of foreign currency at exchange offices in Belarus in recent days is really felt, but the banks are trying to support them in the desired amount of currency to meet public demand. According to Press Secretary National Bank of Michael Zhuravovich currency shortage caused by purely technical reasons, and no restrictions on its sale is not provided. Also in National Bank explained that such a demand for FOREIGN currency called unreasonable expectations of the citizens of the future devolvatsii Belarusian ruble. 'Translation is now white. Dollars in foreign currency (in 80% of this dollar) citizens of Belarus lose significant amounts of conversion, and the translation of banking deposits in foreign currency is also on a percentage of that in local currency than in foreign.

" – Press secretary of the National Bank of Belarus. He recalled that on January 2, 2009 National Bank of Belarus went to use the mechanism peg the ruble to a basket of foreign currencies. As mentioned previously in the basket include the U.S. Dollar, Euro and Russian ruble with equal amounts of these currencies in the basket. The initial value of the ruble krziny – 960 white. rubles. National Bank ensures that during 2009 the ruble value of the basket will remain stable and its fluctuations will not exceed + / -5% percent of the initial value. However, the fluctuations of the Belarusian ruble against foreign currencies in Baskets can be a big range depending on the situation on the international stock markets.

Breakthrough Strategy

This point – the mirror Reflection of Trade at 1. Accordingly, the behavior of traders is exactly the opposite way around – it should sell in the third contact with the downward price trend, carried out on two consecutive a declining price peaks reached the market earlier. The choice of these peaks is simple: we need the local peaks, characterized by the fact that the progress they are maximum prices, compared with peaks of at least two previous and next two bars. The exact price value for entering the market every time varies with time it becomes lower. Of course, it is best to use daily scale, but a good watch and a show half-hour schedules. Falsity or truth of punctures, as well as in an uptrend, it’s best to reconcile the fact of the closing of the next price bar. Breakout trading strategies at the break in prices through substantial levels are considered the most effective ways to manage trade positions, which provide high returns. Often they are associated with stop orders, which will be triggered immediately when a breakthrough and the thus provide an opportunity to take a position at the beginning of growing price momentum.

This is all true, but in many markets, stop orders are not too practical, and often even dangerous for a trading account, so this path is not always justified. Breakthrough Strategy for options of entering the market with limit orders provide greater opportunities to profit at a relatively low risk. Represented are the options – the most effective ways to trade with the breakthrough, with the best work during a subsequent correction. Point 3 Purchase of support in the area between the penultimate and the first peak of Fibo levels of the last completed market downward movement. In a growing market, we often see prices move up, developing a zigzag.

As a rule, in the first third of the trend when it is already present, and the bulls went to a consistent attack, the bears still have serious power, so they can often after each price spike upward to reduce prices so that they sink to the level of the penultimate peak. Sometimes the fall is stopped, followed by a new the upward movement that would push prices higher. But the market – not a place where all markings are in place, so at the last vertex prices may not find support, dropping even lower. If the trend is strong, then the depth reduction rarely exceeds 23%, LIMITED, even fewer – 38% level of the last fully completed market move down. It is this area, bounded by the penultimate vertex and 38%-s the level of the last completed move down there naiboleeblagopriyatnoe place of purchase. Figure 2 shows the search terms for the purchase (within one month after the event has grown twice).

Skill Market

When you develop the skill of taking a risk the market will cease to generate information that is perceived painful. And if the market information is unable to cause emotional discomfort, the fears go away. I think that it's easier not to express the difference between successful traders and others. Successful traders are not gripped by fear. They are not afraid because it developed a flexible attitude to what happens in the market, which allows you to enter and exit trades based on information provided market. In addition, they developed the ability to remain collected and to avoid negligence. Ninety-five percent of errors in trading comes from your attitude to such concepts as: being wrong, losing money, miss a deal or not to take some profits. Extremely difficult to realize that the source of problems in our relationship.

Many thoughts and perceptions affect our trade – the result of our upbringing and traditional perception of the world. It's so much in our minds that we do not come to mind that the reason for failure lies within us. It is natural to find an external cause of failure – the market's all my fault. If we do not understand how our thoughts or beliefs influence our perception of market information, it would seem that the market behavior is the cause of inconsistency. As a result, came the idea that in order to avoid losses and become consistently have more to study the market. This logical construction is a psychological trap into which, sooner or later fall into the majority of traders.

Forex Two Approaches

Based on the book ‘Trader-Mage’ ( Everyone, even the novice trader knows that from the perspective of psychology and methods of work, there are two main approaches to the extraction of profits from the market. In the first case the trader behaves aggressively. Wanting to quickly and a lot of money, it operates on the market (and often did not realize it) with an increased risk for its trading deposit. As a rule, so do new traders. Traders who are against excitement had already losing his first money and managed to grasp the root cause of this, it is easier to agree with the authors of numerous books and manuals, which are basically taught that the main task of any Trader learn to take even small profits (10% – 20% – 30% per month), but learn to do it consistently. This is the second approach – it is better to take small profits in a month, but with minimal risk for the trading of the deposit. But how would A trader nor acted on the market – aggressive or cautious, a major psychological problems with which he is most often encountered, is that series of successful deals he will almost inevitably appear a feeling of euphoria, and it begins to seem that he has learned to predict the market. After that, as a rule, trader begins to go beyond its own strategy, with which he had previously received all the information he gains.