Therefore to cover the time of constant form she would be necessary to arrive at the end of infinite instants. What it is impossible, therefore the infinite does not have end and, therefore the movement cannot be constant in the universe. The movement is unnecessary in the universe: As the movement cannot be constant in the universe has a succession of rest and movement in the form universe that the movement is not necessary in the universe, therefore it was the universe could not exist without it and it would not have moments of rest in the universe. Continue to learn more with: Charles Schwab. Refutation of the mecanicismo and affirmation of the voluntariedade: As the movement it is not necessary in the universe does not have a trend has to exist, but he could never occur. Therefore an inevitable predestination for the facts does not exist, but all the forms acquired for the reality could be different being necessary that the reality is generated between diverse possibilities. Ahead of diverse possibilities for the movement and no trend for its existence if it makes necessary that it is stimulated voluntarily or it never would occur. CONCLUSION: All the things possess an intention since they had been made of form not required by law and the causalidade in the universe is decreasing (that it comes of the universal one for the particular one) of form that has a universal control or a supreme being.
Jean Paul Sartre
It emphasizes subjects as the individual, choices and the nonsense of the life human being when contemplating a rational understanding of the universe (Blackburn, 1997; Cabral, 2006). The first philosopher who if really affirmed as existencialista, that assumed this denomination, was Jean Paul Sartre (Borheim, 2005; Cabral, 2006), but, for some researchers, existencialistas characteristics can be perceived in the writings of diverse authors, amongst them: Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Marcel, Jaspers, Unamuno, Abbagnano, Chestov, Camus among others (Borheim, 2005; Vicente, 1885, v.05). How much to the existencialistas workmanships, generally romances, these, on the other hand, react against the point of view of that the Universe is a closed system, coherent and intelligible; however on the other hand, they see the uncertainty resultant of this paradigm as an affliction reason. It was in this context that Jean-Paul Sartre pointed out in its writings the importance of the freedom human being and, in consequence, its freedom moral. Still for Sartre, the existencialismo is the only doctrine that leaves a possibility of choice to the man (Sartre, 1987). When defending this affirmation, the existencialistas mention the fact to it of that, to its to see, during the existence, each one constructs its proper essence (Cabral, 2006).
In accordance with the writings of Sartre (1987), ‘ ‘ The man nothing more is of what what it makes of itself mesmo’ ‘. In this way, Blackburn (1997) and Cabral (2006) corroborate when affirming that the workmanships of Sartre have matrix of exploration of tension choices and can sociopoliticamente be considered with the period where they had been written. The existencialismo concentrates its studies in the man concrete, limited for the time, searching a direction it its life.
Commodity Exchange
In this theory the main criterion for the equilibrium of the market and the equivalent exchange (the price objective, the objective value of exchanging quantities of goods) is subjective satisfaction with the relative exchange of the bulk of its participants. That is a recognition of the bulk of the participants sharing the fact that these prices and profits are the result of equivalent exchange. Many researchers are trying to construct a theory of commodity, based on a completely objective parameters of the equivalence of exchanging goods. Moreover, not even trying this equivalence is represented as an objective basis subjective satisfaction with the exchange of its members, as if the goods exchanged between themselves, without the subjects of exchange. In fact, even if the goods and would have an objective equivalence, then it should have been reflected in the minds of the participants sharing, creating in him the subjective satisfaction of the exchange, without which there is no exchange process. Extremely simplified producer has the lone entrepreneur who has no compensation fund work, no profit, there's only revenues and costs of production and sale of goods. The value of remaining net cost of revenue, according to the theory, is the producer price of labor. That amount, thus determined by the price of labor across a succession of producers of goods, makes the price of production and sale of the commodity. Objective price of a commodity, or an equivalent exchange market is formed by perfect competition subjective understanding of participants in the exchange of equal value of exchanging goods.