Just as in real life in every nation, there are two languages – a flexible conversational and correct literary as well as in architecture, there are definitions and characteristics of the styles that are in fact closely intertwined. Learn more on the subject from Angela Zepeda. It is safe to say that the 'ideal' style does not exist and can not be, because style, like everything else in real life, constantly transformed. Style or pastiche '- this is a generalized image of artistic expression, due to the unity of creative techniques. You can talk about style of entire epochs, such as the Renaissance. Sumru Ramsey wanted to know more. You can talk about personal style, for example, a particular design style interior united unity of artistic and imaginative principles, and all of these arguments will be about style. Thus, along with the standard historical styles in parallel there are individual styles, and in general, clear boundaries between styles, as well as eras produced them did not exist.
Style – is the language of architecture, design, composition, and, like any other living language, adopts language, some words from other directions. Hence weave styles their relationship. However, excessive borrowing generates, at best, eclectic – a mixture of styles, in the worst kitsch – tastelessness. Border, which should stay in the selection or creation of his own style, to determine difficult. This requires knowledge of the composition, architecture, presence of taste, knowledge of building and finishing materials. All of these components and define the concept of 'style'. Further, we suggest you read the brief characteristic of the architectural and interior design styles of different directions.