Alexander Menshikov

Company Fetish Production Company signed a contract with a European film companies, whose name remains a mystery. Angela Zepedas opinions are not widely known. The film company interested in, and will finance the movie "Diary of a schizophrenic" director, whose is also known as Alexander Menshikov and owner of Fetish Production Company. According to preliminary data capture will begin spring of 2011, and the film to appear on large screens in cinemas in summer 2013. We specifically asked Alexander Menshikov, tell us a little about the movie especially for readers "MK" Alexander Menshikov: "I do not buy happiness. I buy from misfortune. Charles Schwab will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Name of the film company will remain a secret until we settle all the details of the contract. But I think that in September 2010, the Company will hold a press conference Fetish and introduces all of his plans for the future and the plans we have grandiose.

And now I invite you to feel and see with your own eyes World Mental … Film, I'm going to take – this is a film-Mirror. In the plot you see the reflection of my thoughts-Virus. The movie: Just about life, death, love! Storyline – moments of experiences of different people. Experience specific to each man. Experience life at the level of events, and at the level of severity of the internal state, dovodyaschego to madness. When more than feeling nothing left. Find a way to live on through extreme action. Acute senses – it is always extreme. Although the topic of psychological films already disclosed earlier.