Cardiovascular Diseases

The heart can to Bye Bye Hairs to him. And it is that company of reference in our country in sector of fotodepilacin (hair-removing system that offers permanent results in few sessions, without pain and to a very reasonable price), wants to show its solidarity with the work that day to day the Spanish Foundation of the Heart at the time of bringing back to consciousness to the society carries out on the cardiovascular diseases, first cause of death in Spain. " We wish to put our sand grain with the collaboration of todosnuestros centers in a nonmonetary contribution that helps as far as possible to reduce this type of deaths but that it supposes a series of income to the Fundacin" , Carmen explains Lozano, Chief of a main directorate of Bye Bye Hairs. An action in solidum that from the Spanish Foundation of the Heart is thankful since not only it will help to that a greater number of citizens can come up before to cure but also to collect bottoms for the sensitization actions that this institution carries out. " From the Spanish Foundation of Heart we evaluated positively our participation in this type of campaigns, since the final mission of the contribution that we received is to foment the adoption of healthful habits of life like measurement of prevention against the ECV (cardiovascular diseases), first cause of death in Spain and mundo" , it comments the Dr. Leandro Place, president of the FEC. For that reason Bye Bye Hairs, has started up a sensitization campaign with the purpose of to collect money for this organization, in whom it requests the solidarity of the greater number of people. " Of as simple way as the one to send sms to the 25118 with the word HEART and whose cost is of 1.20 Euros we will try to collect the greater number posible".