During Visual

Theories of Visual Attention the sounding is considered an attention function and implies the active search of a stimulaton. It is understood as a search for the visual field from the intent examination of the environment in search of what it constitutes the target. Of this form, sounding in itself is the process of visual attention. During the process of search of the targets in the environment-sweepings, the individual can answer to some stimulatons that are not target that confuses the individual and are called distraidores. Theory of integration of characteristics This theory was elaborated by Treisman and, in accordance with it, the stimulatons caught in the sounding is processed in two periods of training 1 organizes mental maps of characteristics of the stimulatons that compose the visual field, as form, size and color. These maps are formed without using resources of focused attention. In as the period of training, attention will be focused in series in objects. TDA (Upheaval of Deficit of Attention) Is a riot with desatentativas predominant characteristics, is the instability of the attention.

The carelessness can be identifies can be identified by the following symptoms: – The shunting line easily of the attention of what this making, when receives a small stimulaton. One I whistle of visinho is enough to interrupt a reading. – Difficulty Has to give says it to attention of the others. In one it talks with another person tends to catch only ' ' pieces ' ' untied, it is gotten behind or it lacked in its commitments, to forget the day payment them accounts (light, gas, telephone, insurance). – Freq- entemente presents ' ' branco' ' during one it talks. The person is explaining a subject and in the way of she speaks forgets what she went to say. – Trend says to interrupt it of the other in the way of a colloquy, remembers something and speaks without waiting the other to complete its reasoning.