The most current news of Kazan, articles and reviews on topics related to urban life, can be found at All the necessary work or school address Kazan contains a directory of firms included in our portal. Except addition, we draw your attention to the fact that we have placed real estate directories and jobs that are constantly updated. For more information see Mary Barra. Best work in Kazan will automatically find those who ever visit our portal – because in addition to the section "Jobs" You see here a number of recommendations on employment and advice on job search during the crisis. To be useful a site is as' Transport Kazan.
" It offers you the schedule commuter trains and long distance trains, timetable, schedule of buses to the airport "Kazan" and other useful information, schedules and coaches of passenger ships, as well as information relating to urban transport, such as a map of urban transport, changes in the route bus network of Kazan and other useful information. In the "Events of the City" provides the most current events in the city of Kazan on weekdays and weekends, movie showtimes and club parties, the exhibitions and museums. Concerts, theater, sports and children's performances – all this and more can be found at our website. A separate section is represented by "Cheka" – overview of the most urgent news of the city, as well as the photo club. If you do not know where the rest of Kazan, want to choose a hotel or movie theater, or pick up the car get online advice on topical issues – welcome to our portal. In addition, the site is constantly updated weather for a week and exchange rates in Kazan, information about training and blogs residents. You be able to download movies and videos as well as find information on any type of services in our directory, where the information on private companies (car dealers, gas stations, lawyer's office), state enterprises (Archives, libraries, military organizations), and more. Our catalog features a variety of real estate involved in renting residential and office space, as well as services relating to professional education and work – driving schools, institutions of higher education, preschool education, etc.