Make Conscious Choices

The media abound with shocking news about the unbecoming conduct of our politicians and prominent businessmen. However, over time, especially with elections approaching, all dies down quickly and forgotten. Press deprived of memory. In the U.S., for example, information about all actions of elected politicians at any level is in the public domain. Get more background information with materials from Charles Schwab. You can see who voted for what in the past twenty years.

In Russia elections are more like a cultural tradition and for real elections have nothing to do, because the choice itself is absent. Man must make a choice not based on objective data, but based on pre-election promotions of candidates. Once elected the action disappears from view of the voters. In the absence of accountability, they are free to do what they want and that is often not in the interests of voters and "Sponsors", generously rewarding chosen for each adopted law. As a result, Russia is moving in the Mexican way of development, when a relatively small group of people control laws, finance, state.

Standard of living population grows at very high prices for oil, when some extra from his master's table. But he dropped sharply, falling to the level of living in Central Africa, as commodity prices fall. Is it possible to something to do in this situation? Hard to say good examples in the world is not so much. However, until the election at least in some form, there exists and opportunity to influence the future, but only in the presence of objective information. What actions are taken and what decisions are made concrete policies? Which organizations and other related policies or was connected? Who is funding the campaign? Unfortunately, this information can be found in microscopic doses. By analyzing the available information resources, we focus on the site, which allows the action to comment on any politician, political organizations, parties, and ensure communication politicians from different organizations and with each other. Thus, it is possible to make your own opinion about a particular policy and that, for whose benefit he can act, and at the next elections to give preference decent.