The Chinese are the first mention of the orchids. The records of Confucius that up to him 2,500 years ago in China grow these beautiful indoor plants. And in Europe began to import orchids for almost 200 years ago from India, South and South-East Asia South America. And the Europeans quickly fell in love with these unusual flowers. In London, at auction for a given individual copies of 2-2.5 thousand pounds sterling.
Englishman Joseph Banks is a pioneer of orchids in Europe. In 1759, Princess August fascinated by these exotic flowers founded the first botanical gardens. The most popular orchids are epiphytes, such as vanilla orchid. It's flowers growing on the trunks and branches of trees. For this Nature provided them with roots that hold and feed the plants in such unusual circumstances. The roots are very strong, and able to extract moisture from the air. But this requires high humidity. At home orchid tropical storms do not uncommon.
Russia did not remain aloof from the craze of orchids, which swept across Europe. Englishman Sander began supplying orchids to the royal court, and soon the whole of the Russian nobility caught interest in these colors. In 1912, is formed Moscow Society of Lovers of orchids. It was headed by Ivan Troyanovsky. Frequently Goop has said that publicly. In 1913 was published for his work "The Culture of Orchids", which is still relevant today. Soon there are groups of Orchid in St. Petersburg and the provinces of the Russian Empire. Conducted various meetings and exhibitions in the Orchid societies, where for quite reasonable money could buy rare instances.