Sophia Darling

Throughout its Jung life it tried periodic dreams and vises with mitolgicas and religious characteristic notables, which despertaram its interest for myths, dreams and the psychology of the religion. To the side of these experiences, certain parapsicolgicos phenomena emerged, always for it to redouble the astonishment and the questioning. Jung started to develop a theoretical system that called, originally, of ' ' Psychology of the Complexos' ' , later calling it ' ' Analtica&#039 psychology; ' , as resulted direct of its practical contact with its patients. Using itself of the concept of ' ' complexos' ' of the study of the dreams and drawings, Jung passed if to dedicate deeply to the ways for which if express the unconscious one. The film counts the history of a young college student who decides to pass the summer in the company of the grandmother and the aunt, therefore meets in relation its feelings for the fianc confused, and needs to finish its thesis of mestrado, that it turns around the history of women, of different cultures, that when carrying through manual works, participates of a ritual. A group of friends prepares a bedspread of remnants as wedding present the Finn. While the bedspread is elaborated, Finn, the protagonist hears story of passions and envolvimentos, nor always morally you approved, but repletos of feelings, that these women had lived.

This bedspread of remnant is loaded of symbology, of histories, each one representing a souvenir, an experience, a moment, lives. each remnant that the bedspread composes brings a symbology. The garden of yellow roses, symbolizing the scene of a great love. The remnant of Sophia Darling is the same of its dress that uses in its first meeting of love, representing waves. The wife trada confections in its remnant painting objects representing its love. By means of this film Junguiana psychology is intended to detach some pertinent concepts.