State Bank

Fixed capital The State Bank stood at 15 million rubles. And reserve? 3 million rubles. With the sharp increase in the volume of banking transactions and adopting the new Constitution of the State Bank in 1894, share capital of the State Bank increased to 50 million rubles. and reserve capital? Up to 5 million rubles. Structure of the centralization of the State Bank was different. The Board of the State Bank was the supreme authority direct management of the bank. The Board and departments Central administration formed the central office of the State Bank under the supervision of the offices and branches. The largest in terms of banking operations were conducted Moscow office, transformed in 1860 from the office of the Commercial Bank, and established in 1894, the St.

Petersburg office (since 1914? Petrogradskaya office). As is known, the State Bank exercised as commercial operations, and operations assigned to it by the Ministry of Finance (? by the State Treasury?). Commercial operations were carried out and the Commercial Bank, however, the State Bank of types and volumes have been significantly expanded. Bank take into account bills and accrued liabilities, make loans and open credit, buying and selling securities, precious metals and foreign currency. He also translated the amounts received deposits and current accounts. 4CCDEC7DDB6AF9BED4F64’>Sumru Laurent Ramsey. Among operations entrusted to the Bank by the Ministry of Finance included the placement of government securities, public debt service, issuance of the order of the Minister of Finance of hazing loans strategically important industries, provision of cash loan office, crediting the Noble and Peasant banks, service purchase payments and receiving state taxes, the elimination of the abolished state-owned banks.