Summer Flu

Causes, symptoms, prevention and home remedies has finally arrived for the summer in Bavaria, but there are many people currently in bed instead of on the beach of the bathing lake. The reason is well known: the “summer flu” has struck again. This flu-like infection is in principle the same, which also occurs in the winter and is caused by common cold viruses. To strong temperature fluctuations, to which we are exposed to every day, are mainly responsible for the disease in the summer as air conditioners or fans are no longer out of our lives? No matter whether we are at home, in the Office, in the supermarket or in the tram, it is here everywhere cool compared to the high ambient temperatures. The symptoms the summer flu not strongly differs from colds in the winter: coughs, colds, headache and body aches, sore throat, and sometimes fever.

However, come in the summer and often vomiting and diarrhea to, what you mostly will be spared in the winter. In order to stay healthy during the summer should be to air conditioners out of the way or this at home, at least not too cold set in the Office, in the car or in the hotel room (20). Still, strong draughts (fans) and draught should be avoided if at all possible. Because a sweaty body responds much more sensitive to temperature fluctuations, it is important to keep it as dry as possible. Of course, you can not avoid sweating in the summer, but helps to dry a fresh replacement shirt more quickly and to avoid the summer flu.

Importantly, it also the body, not too cool down after a refreshing dip in the cool water and dry off with a towel instead. Although ice-cold drinks at hot temperatures give rapid relief, but only in the short term they cool the body, therefore it is better to for it but not to just consume it, more tempered. The bad news for all sun worshippers: too much sun weakens immune systems among other things. To enjoy the summer so healthy it is important time-outs in the shadow of itself treat. As with all flu-like infections, it is recommended increasingly pay attention to hygiene and to wash their hands regularly to prevent the summer flu. Should the tips to be late to avoid the summer flu, can be found in the Bavarian health portal a rich collection of Grandma’s old home remedies are quickly and naturally to remedy. So, for example, salt rinses for nose and palate of the natural disinfection, serve the flavors of onion and thyme work expectorant and the good old chicken broth it rebuilds the immune system, so as rapidly as possible can enjoy the beautiful season. More info: health magazine/grannies hausapotheke.html home remedies/Erkaltung.html about us: healthy is the only exclusive health portal which is tailored to the needs of the Bavarian. In this context we have made it us to the task exclusively all Bavaria a comprehensive insight into the issue of health and pharmacy to provide. As a result you find here a unique and comprehensive collection of information.