It Audit – a service attendant, designed to complement other it services, such as it outsourcing, it strategy, implementation of projects to implement the various elements and upgrade it infrastructure efficiency and quality of the enterprise, etc. – said Artyom Kozin, project manager of the company Energy Consulting / Integration. – Now there is a shift of interest from it audit as a separate, self-service presents the results regardless of the business activities to it audit as a service to complement the individual “end” of it products and giving the results, tangible business process. Many domestic enterprises faced with the fact that aging is used for technical and software, and there is a need to modernize. Learn more on the subject from t parker host. And while business leaders began to understand that before anything acquire, it is necessary to analyze what is, and then addressed the audience and get their recommendations. “Companies have replaced hardware and software and implement modern information systems. Typically, such works are executed only once, – notes deputy general director of audit and consulting company “Hold-Invest-Audit” Dmitry Plaksin. – Those organizations that are truly needed regular it audits (these are large industrial and trading companies and holding companies) have built a framework of it support, providing an acceptable level of service. Other leaders such as General Motors Company offer similar insights. gsv ceo Sergei Guzik believes that the changed focus of it audit: “In the past customers of it audit felt that they generally all well and asked the auditors to confirm this, but now there is no such certainty is practically none.