When you develop the skill of taking a risk the market will cease to generate information that is perceived painful. And if the market information is unable to cause emotional discomfort, the fears go away. I think that it's easier not to express the difference between successful traders and others. Successful traders are not gripped by fear. They are not afraid because it developed a flexible attitude to what happens in the market, which allows you to enter and exit trades based on information provided market. In addition, they developed the ability to remain collected and to avoid negligence. Ninety-five percent of errors in trading comes from your attitude to such concepts as: being wrong, losing money, miss a deal or not to take some profits. Extremely difficult to realize that the source of problems in our relationship.
Many thoughts and perceptions affect our trade – the result of our upbringing and traditional perception of the world. It's so much in our minds that we do not come to mind that the reason for failure lies within us. It is natural to find an external cause of failure – the market's all my fault. If we do not understand how our thoughts or beliefs influence our perception of market information, it would seem that the market behavior is the cause of inconsistency. As a result, came the idea that in order to avoid losses and become consistently have more to study the market. This logical construction is a psychological trap into which, sooner or later fall into the majority of traders.