Flemish Merchants

Device Hanseatic office in Novgorod, the organization of life and commerce as well as relationships with Novgorod regulated by special regulations, written in a special charter – twisted (which means “book of laws” or “Sudebnik). Principal place of trade was a German court. Novgorod merchants came here to negotiate deals and pick up the goods. Hanseatic merchants acquired Novgorod goods directly to the Russian manors. Trade was wholesale and exchange. Fabrics sold set, sealed with special seals Salt – bags, honey, wine, herring, non-ferrous metals – drums. Even a small piece goods are sold in large quantities: gloves, threads, needles – dozens, hundreds, thousands of pieces. Russian goods were procured in bulk: wax – circles, fur – Hundreds of skins.

Strictly adhered to and exchange of trade, ie spot for spot. Trading in credit categorically forbidden under threat of confiscation of goods. To come to Novgorod and live in the courtyards were entitled only to merchants of the Hanseatic cities. Skra also prohibits all trade with ‘neganzeytsami’ (especially the Dutch and Flemish – main rivals Hansa). The relationship of Novgorod and ganzeytsev was not easy and are not always friendly.

Quarrels, confrontations and restrictions on trade have been quite frequent. Typically, conflicts arose because of failure by any party of trade rules. For example, in case of violation of one of the merchants trade rules to make a claim should only guilty party.

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