His truth and sincerity is well qualified – said Cassani – in her virtuous life. Here’s what he says as authorized writer: Nations that inhabit all this mountain range there are many, to know: Morcotes, Guaceos, Tunebos, cheetahs, with others the crowd was much, because in only Morcote, Pauto and Tamara had is about six thousand souls when entered the parents, and together with the Tunebos and those in the village of Chita were a crowd very substantial and difficult to doctrinar, by the variety of languages. The Tunebos have two languages, one very closed and difficult, but universal and that everyone; understands the other, called subasque, is easier but less general, because do not understand los indios de Tierra adentro; is funny this language, and verbs both names have the assonance of proparoxytones, and the Indians made ostentation of talk it in front of whom do not understand them. In the introduction the chibcha grammar of Uricoechea, a sample of the language sinsiga, which is spoken on the one hand brings this Tunebos in the vicinity of Chita. They are sixty words, of which only ten resemble more or less the Chibcha voices that have the same meaning.
Helas here: according to our opinion, in accordance with the Uricoechea, the sinsiga was a different of the chibcha language. Easily understood that the languages of those tribes semi-wild, naturally slim’s words, had altered with the neighborhood and dealing with the Chibchas, as happens in the borders of even more civilized countries, and this gave origin to which were considered by some as Chibcha dialects. Brinton is origin and affinities of language between the Chibchas and the tribes of the Aruacos, inhabitants of the Sierra Nevada, the Taironas, who occupied the slopes of this saw, and their neighbors the Chimilas, who had his domains South of the swamp. When Jimenez de Quesada came by land from Santa Marta to Discover the inside of the new Kingdom, the tribes that we’ve talked about had already been conquered, and he passed with his expedition through the territory of the Chimilas.