The conception of the country is another critical factor, since the current leadership was formed within the conception of State traditional tanker, being his political training scarce or nonexistent, highlighting the inconsistency and improvisation. The vertical system of political organization is imposed from top to bottom and there is a problem of credibility of political, Trade Union, business, military, cultural, University leaders, etc., because trust and appreciation towards them which used to be long ago time, today has dropped substantially or, in some cases, is simply non-existent. On the other hand, other cause attributable to the absence of leadership in Venezuela, is that managers or representatives of bodies are geared to power and not the achievement. This occurs because there is a confusion of the authority with arrogance and hubris. Using the hierarchical position to meet personal needs, based on power and prestige, without considering the responsibility social inherent to any charge or activity of social participation. To evaluate the current Venezuelan society may demonstrate that a leadership profile with more political than economic, social or technical sense, has been formed that is, most of those participating in the dissemination of ideas towards the stability and growth of the country Act guided by a conventional leadership, i.e. politicians, entrepreneurs and academic traditionalists that prevailwith speeches and pronouncements bit understandable or hardly executables, try to fix everything at the same time. In general, the real lack of Venezuela is therefore conductive and visionary leaders of national development, i.e. Charles Schwab has plenty of information regarding this issue. leaders able to maintain States of personal excellence, (themselves and others), which have and instill confidence, self-control, commitment and honesty; people with skills of relationship, with compression, motivation and communication capabilities; strategic thinking, i.e., ability skills of define and achieve specific goals and objectives based on a desired future; and skills of systems thinking to identify and address problems, ensuring the effective resolution of them, as well as also having the ability to create functional teams to help deal with and work for reasons that go beyond making money or achieving prestige.
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General Secretariat
August 20, 2009 – the Secretary of State of education of the Dominican Republic has signed a contract with Master-D group, Spanish leader in open training, which will allow the use of the Educans educational software platform, designed by the company’s training to students and teachers of this Central American country. Charles Schwab has much to offer in this field. Educans is a tool of e-learning created for levels of secondary education that allows managing study time and correct the errors in the Act by optimizing the educational effort of students and teachers. The Secretary of State visited headquarters of the Master-D group in Spain earlier this year at a meeting in which the bases of this agreement and other joint collaboration projects were seated. The forecasts of the General Secretariat of education of the Dominican Republic established a first phase of use of the platform that will enable the granting of up to 6,000 licenses of use of such software until January 2010. For this Master-D has shifted to a team of professionals to Santo Domingo to habituate to trainers and Dominican professors in the handling of Educans. A second phase of the contract of use provides the complete adaptation of the current content of the platform to the educational curricular content of the Dominican Republic. According to the developer of this platform doctor in psychopedagogy Manuel Fandos “is a tool that I like both professors like to students, and allows users to achieve good results in the final grades and serve as support both inside and outside the classroom.” Fandos adds that with Educans is given to teachers a comprehensive tool since it allows teachers in those contents to make a personalized follow-up of students and to parents and students themselves check on the spot the advances and achievements. Exercises the own system corrects them and gives the feedback in the Act, so teachers can know when to worked the student, how long has dedicated to the study, in what has been wrong and so can correct and learn from their own failures. To learn more about such a platform can visit the web the signing of this agreement is one more step in the line of international expansion, in accordance with the Strategic Plan that has the Group Master-D. Original author and source of the article.
Maggie Simpson Bart
Bart J. Simpson Bartolomeo J. Simpson is 10 years old and is the eldest son of Homer j. Simpson and Marjorie Marge Bouvier, making him the brother of Lisa and Maggie Simpson. He was born in an era where their parents did not have a stable economy, which led to Homer to leave your family to go in search of economic resources; so this had to leave Marge at home for her sisters, Patty and Selma Bouvier.
Bart since its birth, as shown in the third season in the chapter 12, showed being a child anxious and fun, which would generate a marked hyperactive behavior, which will explain from the micro-system with the father figure, the meso-system, exo-system and even the interrelate that configures the environment of the infant according to the theory of the ecology of development throughout its developmentwhich will take place later. Thus, in their social environment the search for recognition is motivated by his friends and companions who imitates or accompanies the development of harmful and sometimes criminal, activities which end up affecting your environment and your family. In the fourth season in the chapter 10, malicious behavior by Bart shown towards his newborn sister Lisa, this generated out of jealousy at being displaced and not having all the attention from their parents; This situation is exceeded when Lisa says his first word: Bart. Which generates a feeling of affiliation with his parents and his sister. Features the Simpson family and the community, establish the prototype of family U.S. and many other countries in one single model, his father has a steady job at a nuclear power plant, his mother takes a life of work domestic; and along with them Lisa and Maggie make up the family nucleus of Bart Simpson, this family of one or another way represents models of parents and children to many homes around the world. Bart is a restless character who is always shown as sleeper in which exaggerate their behaviors, although on some occasions shown certain moral values and emotions, such as guilt and responsibility, of mental schemes of a boy his age in real life.
Immunized Against
The drug is a large producer of men weak and immature machine. Younger starts a kid in consumption more risk is in get caught. The harmful effects of porro, for example, are more serious of which many young people think. In any case depend on the quantity that smoke, frequency and the circumstances in which consumption occurs. The consequences will be more serious is if mixed with alcohol. The physical effects of the joint are bronchitis, emphysema, tachycardia, dryness of the mouth and throat and redness of the eyes, as well as infections, sterility and predisposition to the accumulation of this drug in the brain, kidney and testicles. The psychic effects through a feeling of euphoria and bravery, but decreasing the concentration and reflexes, similar to the State of drunkenness.
If there has been a serious poisoning appear then hallucinations and agonizing feeling of persecution, and can unleash consumer violent actions. The addict can transform into a person apathetic, desmotivada studies, friends or work. It is converted into a solitary, emotionless. The kids are initiated into drug use by curiosity or the pressure of the group to which they relate, although the having tried sporadically the thugs does not make a person drug addict, but a continuous consumption is a symptom of dependency. There are certain symptoms that reveal to us that a young man can be consuming this drug: a preference for sweets, reddened eyes, impaired memory, drowsiness, mood changes, abandonment of sporting activities or hobbies, augmentation costs, dry cough, headaches, etc. It must be taken into account that drug use starts by the legal, normally within the family context alcohol, drugs, tobacco-, which ends up becoming an assimilated lifestyle. Why parents should educate their children in a healthy lifestyle and avoiding the authoritarianism, tackling the subject of drugs without fear, talking with children and telling in this regard in any Center for drug addicts. And although there is much that can be done should not be alarmed or falling into fatalism, since, unfortunately, no family is immune to drugs.
Europe debt crisis and its effect on the markets have left very touched to investors. 36.1 Percent of the 360 participants in the survey of Morningstar and market sentiment, the social network of investors, has been bassist to asked about their expectations for the bags in the next 12 months. This figure exceeds for the first time two other options: investors who have declared themselves neutral have been placed by 33.8 percent, while only 30.1 percent have declared themselves optimistic for the market in about a year. Thus, the percentage of optimists has been reduced to 37%, the lowest figure since it began to carry out this study in December 2009, away from the 24 percent recorded in March, when falls in rates hampered the investor mood. The leap of pessimism has been the biggest in a month so far. Since the survey carried out in April only 21% of respondents showed pessimistic, by 36.1 per cent on May. The transfer to the dark zone has come both from the last month investors were bullish as neutrals. The bullish reading is also the lowest since it began to carry out the survey six months ago, and is far from the highest number of this indicator, at 45 per cent in the first month of 2010.
Neutrals, in contrast, remain around the middle zone in which has moved in different monthly surveys. The survey shows that consumers are now more pessimistic than the professionals. In fact, among the professionals, who have been 10% of participants in the survey, the bullish option is still imposed, with 40% of respondents choosing it, although the bassists also give a big jump from 20% April up to 33% from May. Between individuals there is no doubt, the triumph of the bassist option is overwhelming. Once again it seems that professional investors have a more stable vision and don’t change so much opinion based on lurches from the markets, something that is has been perceived since we started to carry out this survey in December.
In any case, with the cautious vision of the world that emerges from the survey, it should not surprise investment intentions for the coming months, which are anti risk absolutely. As you can see, between individuals campa equities rampant fear and the preferred answer is I do not think investing in the next three months, chosen by a 31 for breach. And many also point the option of deposits, which rises to 21 percent. Among those who do dare with equities, surprisingly, again the Spanish stock market be the first option, before black omens about our economy. It is followed very closely by European equities. Instead, he suffers a severe fall the American and emerging bags. Among professionals the preferences are very different. Nearly half declared the bag American as his main election, followed at a distance by emerging equities and the European. Among this audience, that Yes, the Spanish stock exchange stays in the van of tail. This Morningstar and Unience survey conducted between 17 and 23 May. The next will take place between 21 and 27 June.
Santa Marta
His truth and sincerity is well qualified – said Cassani – in her virtuous life. Here’s what he says as authorized writer: Nations that inhabit all this mountain range there are many, to know: Morcotes, Guaceos, Tunebos, cheetahs, with others the crowd was much, because in only Morcote, Pauto and Tamara had is about six thousand souls when entered the parents, and together with the Tunebos and those in the village of Chita were a crowd very substantial and difficult to doctrinar, by the variety of languages. The Tunebos have two languages, one very closed and difficult, but universal and that everyone; understands the other, called subasque, is easier but less general, because do not understand los indios de Tierra adentro; is funny this language, and verbs both names have the assonance of proparoxytones, and the Indians made ostentation of talk it in front of whom do not understand them. In the introduction the chibcha grammar of Uricoechea, a sample of the language sinsiga, which is spoken on the one hand brings this Tunebos in the vicinity of Chita. They are sixty words, of which only ten resemble more or less the Chibcha voices that have the same meaning.
Helas here: according to our opinion, in accordance with the Uricoechea, the sinsiga was a different of the chibcha language. Easily understood that the languages of those tribes semi-wild, naturally slim’s words, had altered with the neighborhood and dealing with the Chibchas, as happens in the borders of even more civilized countries, and this gave origin to which were considered by some as Chibcha dialects. Brinton is origin and affinities of language between the Chibchas and the tribes of the Aruacos, inhabitants of the Sierra Nevada, the Taironas, who occupied the slopes of this saw, and their neighbors the Chimilas, who had his domains South of the swamp. When Jimenez de Quesada came by land from Santa Marta to Discover the inside of the new Kingdom, the tribes that we’ve talked about had already been conquered, and he passed with his expedition through the territory of the Chimilas.