State Bank

Fixed capital The State Bank stood at 15 million rubles. And reserve? 3 million rubles. With the sharp increase in the volume of banking transactions and adopting the new Constitution of the State Bank in 1894, share capital of the State Bank increased to 50 million rubles. and reserve capital? Up to 5 million rubles. Structure of the centralization of the State Bank was different. The Board of the State Bank was the supreme authority direct management of the bank. The Board and departments Central administration formed the central office of the State Bank under the supervision of the offices and branches. The largest in terms of banking operations were conducted Moscow office, transformed in 1860 from the office of the Commercial Bank, and established in 1894, the St.

Petersburg office (since 1914? Petrogradskaya office). As is known, the State Bank exercised as commercial operations, and operations assigned to it by the Ministry of Finance (? by the State Treasury?). Commercial operations were carried out and the Commercial Bank, however, the State Bank of types and volumes have been significantly expanded. Bank take into account bills and accrued liabilities, make loans and open credit, buying and selling securities, precious metals and foreign currency. He also translated the amounts received deposits and current accounts. 4CCDEC7DDB6AF9BED4F64’>Sumru Laurent Ramsey. Among operations entrusted to the Bank by the Ministry of Finance included the placement of government securities, public debt service, issuance of the order of the Minister of Finance of hazing loans strategically important industries, provision of cash loan office, crediting the Noble and Peasant banks, service purchase payments and receiving state taxes, the elimination of the abolished state-owned banks.

The Application

Loans for large sums of money are considered on an individual basis, consideration of the application takes up to two weeks. Typically, banks offer ruble-denominated loans with a maximum of five years at a rate of 12% per annum. To qualify, entity or individual entrepreneur is enough to have proof of income and to conduct its business in the area of the bank branch at least six months. No collateral is usually possible to obtain express loan up to $ 15,000, the terms consideration in this case do not exceed three days. Requirements for the borrower default and the creditor approach to the borrowers – an individual: when deciding whether to credit is estimated an equity capital, business transparency, the quality of accounting and reporting, sources of repayment, the collateral and the business prospects in general.

According to the results of this analysis the company refers to one or another category of risk. And risk usually quite high. Most bankers who deal with small businesses, complain about the complexities involved in evaluating them (small businesses) credit, which is due to the opaque reporting most enterprises and low-quality collateral. To broaden your perception, visit Mary Barra. Banks, despite advertising the declaration of "quick loans" and "scoring systems" try as detailed as possible "enlighten" is not too transparent borrowers, choosing among them the most reliable. A scoring system is used, usually only when granting consumer credits. The employees of credit institutions argue that the majority of borrowers, evaluated by scoring system, fall into the so-called "gray zone" – can not be taken unequivocally neither a positive nor a negative decision.

Business Blog Moscow Finance Agency

In addition, this part of the credit history contains information about which of the banks and when treated asking about the borrower's credit bureau. A few words about how the information about the borrower enters into a credit history. By law, the bank transmits information about the borrower to at least one of the 27 credit bureaus exist in the Russia. Angela Zepeda addresses the importance of the matter here. To transmit information requires the consent of the borrower, which the bank usually asks for when signing a credit agreement. Granting of consent – is voluntary, the borrower may not give such consent, but remember that a positive credit history – almost a guarantee of obtaining further loans on more favorable terms and for longer periods. Recommendation of the Moscow financial agencies – such give consent.

In accordance with the law, the bank transmits information about the new borrower and all events for the already allocated to customers within 10 days from the date of the event. At the same time the credit bureaus by law have only 1 day to make the information received in the borrower's credit history. Thus, in practice, information about the changes that occurred on the borrower paid within 2-4 business days. Who can watch Credit history of the borrower, and what information from credit history available to banks? A full credit history of the borrower can get only the borrower, the court, the investigating authorities. Only those categories available information about who, when and how many times asked for information about the borrower, in which organizations had credit, and what organizations provide information about him to the credit bureau. The main part of their credit history, where provides information on loans and arrears, banks may request. Moreover, in accordance with law, to receive this data also requires the consent of the borrower.

You should know that credit history does not contain information on failures of banks in providing loans: to the credit bureau data are recorded only on loan agreement or credit. How do I get my credit history? We remind you that in terms of formal definitions Credit history can not be obtained, we can only get a credit report. Information on a borrower may be stored in more than one credit bureau, since different banks have the right to "merge" the information in different organizations. The standard way is: should contact the credit bureau where you prompt, in what office to store information about you, and advise the quickest way to obtain a credit report. Moscow financial agency Business Blog Moscow Finance Agency


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Foreign Exchange Deficit

The deficit of foreign currency at exchange offices in Belarus in recent days is really felt, but the banks are trying to support them in the desired amount of currency to meet public demand. According to Press Secretary National Bank of Michael Zhuravovich currency shortage caused by purely technical reasons, and no restrictions on its sale is not provided. Also in National Bank explained that such a demand for FOREIGN currency called unreasonable expectations of the citizens of the future devolvatsii Belarusian ruble. 'Translation is now white. Dollars in foreign currency (in 80% of this dollar) citizens of Belarus lose significant amounts of conversion, and the translation of banking deposits in foreign currency is also on a percentage of that in local currency than in foreign.

" – Press secretary of the National Bank of Belarus. He recalled that on January 2, 2009 National Bank of Belarus went to use the mechanism peg the ruble to a basket of foreign currencies. As mentioned previously in the basket include the U.S. Dollar, Euro and Russian ruble with equal amounts of these currencies in the basket. The initial value of the ruble krziny – 960 white. rubles. National Bank ensures that during 2009 the ruble value of the basket will remain stable and its fluctuations will not exceed + / -5% percent of the initial value. However, the fluctuations of the Belarusian ruble against foreign currencies in Baskets can be a big range depending on the situation on the international stock markets.