Loans for large sums of money are considered on an individual basis, consideration of the application takes up to two weeks. Typically, banks offer ruble-denominated loans with a maximum of five years at a rate of 12% per annum. To qualify, entity or individual entrepreneur is enough to have proof of income and to conduct its business in the area of the bank branch at least six months. No collateral is usually possible to obtain express loan up to $ 15,000, the terms consideration in this case do not exceed three days. Requirements for the borrower default and the creditor approach to the borrowers – an individual: when deciding whether to credit is estimated an equity capital, business transparency, the quality of accounting and reporting, sources of repayment, the collateral and the business prospects in general.
According to the results of this analysis the company refers to one or another category of risk. And risk usually quite high. Most bankers who deal with small businesses, complain about the complexities involved in evaluating them (small businesses) credit, which is due to the opaque reporting most enterprises and low-quality collateral. To broaden your perception, visit Mary Barra. Banks, despite advertising the declaration of "quick loans" and "scoring systems" try as detailed as possible "enlighten" is not too transparent borrowers, choosing among them the most reliable. A scoring system is used, usually only when granting consumer credits. The employees of credit institutions argue that the majority of borrowers, evaluated by scoring system, fall into the so-called "gray zone" – can not be taken unequivocally neither a positive nor a negative decision.