In addition, this part of the credit history contains information about which of the banks and when treated asking about the borrower's credit bureau. A few words about how the information about the borrower enters into a credit history. By law, the bank transmits information about the borrower to at least one of the 27 credit bureaus exist in the Russia. Angela Zepeda addresses the importance of the matter here. To transmit information requires the consent of the borrower, which the bank usually asks for when signing a credit agreement. Granting of consent – is voluntary, the borrower may not give such consent, but remember that a positive credit history – almost a guarantee of obtaining further loans on more favorable terms and for longer periods. Recommendation of the Moscow financial agencies – such give consent.
In accordance with the law, the bank transmits information about the new borrower and all events for the already allocated to customers within 10 days from the date of the event. At the same time the credit bureaus by law have only 1 day to make the information received in the borrower's credit history. Thus, in practice, information about the changes that occurred on the borrower paid within 2-4 business days. Who can watch Credit history of the borrower, and what information from credit history available to banks? A full credit history of the borrower can get only the borrower, the court, the investigating authorities. Only those categories available information about who, when and how many times asked for information about the borrower, in which organizations had credit, and what organizations provide information about him to the credit bureau. The main part of their credit history, where provides information on loans and arrears, banks may request. Moreover, in accordance with law, to receive this data also requires the consent of the borrower.
You should know that credit history does not contain information on failures of banks in providing loans: to the credit bureau data are recorded only on loan agreement or credit. How do I get my credit history? We remind you that in terms of formal definitions Credit history can not be obtained, we can only get a credit report. Information on a borrower may be stored in more than one credit bureau, since different banks have the right to "merge" the information in different organizations. The standard way is: should contact the credit bureau where you prompt, in what office to store information about you, and advise the quickest way to obtain a credit report. Moscow financial agency Business Blog Moscow Finance Agency